Optimize body composition, performance & health



Research shows that out of everyone who loses weight, 95% will put the weight back on within 3 years. The main reason for this is because people are too restrictive, they too much too soon which ultimately sets them up for failure. This programme focuses on creating a nutrition strategy that will not only help you achieve your goals but one you can sustain long after the programme finishes. We focus on making it a lifestyle change and not a quick fix.


There is so much misinformation out there which makes it difficult for people to not only know what works but what actually works them as an individual. It is my job to help provide the most up to date scientific information which is backed by research to help you optimise body composition, performance & health.


Everyone is different in terms of their goals, training schedule, jobs, likes and dislikes etc. This programme aims to tailor your nutrition to suit you as an individual and have a strategy which is conducive to your goals but also tailor it around your work and training schedule. This why the weekly check ins and having open & honest communication are crucial so the necessary adjustments can be made.


Start Here

The first step on your 12 Week Health, Fitness & Nutrition Journey with SFPN. Don't skip this section, it is important to get you started on your journey.


100's of hours of webinars covering all aspects of health, fitness an nutrition to educate and support you on your 12 week programme.

Common Questions

There is no such thing as a silly question! We have listed all the commonly asked questions from the 100's of clients that have completed the 12 week programme.

Recipes & Meal Plans

A full range of recipes and meal plans to support your when preparing breakfast, lunch and dinner! There is a guide to low calories sauces and snacks!

Female Webinars

Female ONLY webinars to support you on your journey with SFPN; these webinars will help you understand how you can achieve results during your menstrual cycle.

Nutrition Fundamentals

The foundation of your programme, get educated on the Macronutrient Food Groups. Learn how to read food labels and how to meal prep successfully.

YOUR performance nutritionist

Hi there, 
I’m Stephen Floyd, a Performance Nutritionist and I’ve had the opportunity to work with some of the highest-level elite athletes in the world. 
I don’t say that to gloat, I say that through my sheer passion for nutrition.
That’s because the food we eat isn’t just fuel for the day ahead, it’s the catalyst for better sleep, more energy and a decreased chance of disease…
And the best part about food? It’s your choice.
Having worked with the likes of Everton Football ClubNorthern Ireland Football Club and Professional Boxers like Sean McComb, Paddy Barnes and Tyrone McKenna you get to look at nutrition through a different lens. 
These athletes aren’t eating to lose weight, they’re eating for performance. 
They eat to fuel their body so that their body serves them in their respected sport.
You may or may not be an athlete, but you are a human with a body to serve through nutrition.
And that’s the ‘position’ we all have to play in the role of health. 
So whether you’re an elite level athlete, stay at home parent or office worker and want to improve your nutrition for health, energy or performance, then continue to read below this page to learn how nutrition coaching can help in all areas of your life.

The Elite Level Athletes who have used Nutrition Coaching