the performance academy

An all access area that will educate you and help guarantee you strong results.

Start Here

The first step on your 12 Week Health, Fitness & Nutrition Journey with SFPN. Don't skip this section, it is important to get you started on your journey.


100's of hours of webinars covering all aspects of health, fitness an nutrition to educate and support you on your 12 week programme.

Common Questions

There is no such thing as a silly question! We have listed all the commonly asked questions from the 100's of clients that have completed the 12 week programme.

Recipes & Meal Plans

A full range of recipes and meal plans to support your when preparing breakfast, lunch and dinner! There is a guide to low calories sauces and snacks!

Female Webinars

Female ONLY webinars to support you on your journey with SFPN; these webinars will help you understand how you can achieve results during your menstrual cycle.

Nutrition Fundamentals

The foundation of your programme, get educated on the Macronutrient Food Groups. Learn how to read food labels and how to meal prep successfully.